Document management solution for the Chartered Accountants

The Chartered Accountants generally work as managers in the fields such as business, finance, etc. which includes their work of auditing, tax assessment, economic, general management, solving problems, implementing changes and so on. They contribute in the journey of taking the businesses in the right strategic direction. Some of these Chartered Accountants are being employed in the public sectors, while the others work in the private sector and few are employed by the government bodies also.
These CAs work in a wide variety of areas and hence they need best in class DMS for increasing their efficiency in managing their necessary documents. We have summed up a few of the key criteria which a DMS for Chartered Accountants should have.
Easy to find
Every DMS for the Chartered Accountants must have this feature of finding any file that the user is looking for easily by simply searching the text content of the document or name/date of the document. It will make the searching process quick and simple to use for the CAs and they will love the time-efficiency of that particular DMS.
Chartered Accountants’ DMS should eliminate the need to upgrade the IT maintenance. Thereby it reduces the cost of the Chartered Accountants through the benefits of regular incremental and overall backups. This is probably the vital feature of a Document Management System for accountants.
Another feature that a DMS for Chartered Accountants should possess is the integration of in-depth security into the system including different levels of access rights such as view, edit, delete and download rights which will ensure the safety of user’s important files from misuse by some other intruder.
Access from anywhere
Chartered Accountant’s DMS must be accessible from any device or place so that the users can work on the DMS, on phone or laptop, from office, home or while they are on the go. Being able to access the desired files or documents from anywhere will definitely revolutionize the workflow and bring in increased time-efficiency.
Notifications and alerts in a DMS help users getting proactive in terms of client management by providing time-based reminders about upcoming events like meeting someone, paying a bill etc.
Document Management Systems which include the features evaluated above will contribute to the eased accounting processes, due to the seamless structure & functionalities. These online data storages & retrieving systems have in fact made life become ‘Paperless’!! People are beginning to notice the tremendous reduction of cost in managing their documents with increased value while providing a wide range of services.
On final thought, we would like to add that to maintain the security of online documents; the Chartered Accountants need a DMS with all the above-mentioned essential features to it. One of them is our MugenDocs, which aims to provide all the necessary features to its users. Additionally, the users of our customized DMS will get the benefit of using the system by availing a 14 days free trial offer. Users are free to contact us in case they have queries about our DMS.